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Welcome to GK Coffee - 2020 CR98 World No. 1 Coffee Roaster


創辦人:廖光俊 Gary Liao
使用烘豆機:Probat P5/2、Probat P12-III、Probat Sample Roaster(200g)、Ikawa Pro V2、Ikawa Pro V3

2015 成立於台灣宜蘭
2016 開始寄送Coffee Review
2020 CR98 世界排名第一(GW01索菲亞藝妓)
2021 CR96 世界排名第九(深焙曼特寧)
2022 CR96 世界排名第八(COE01厄瓜多)
2023 粕谷哲 4:6法手沖奧義全解析 – 中文譯者
2023 TBC咖啡師挑戰賽 沖煮賽 台北站 冠軍
2023 CR97 世界排名第六(肯亞小蘿莉)
2023 CR98 世界排名第三(GW03卡門公主)
2024 東森新聞採訪報導《海峽拼經濟》兩岸文青「飲」君子 就愛台灣這一「咖」 
2024 DKSH Probat烘豆賽 感官評審

2017 CR主題 藝妓咖啡 第三名
2019 CR主題 藝妓咖啡 第四名
2020 CR主題 中美洲咖啡 第三名
2020 CR主題 即飲黑咖啡 第一名
2021 CR主題 即飲黑咖啡 第一名
2021 CR主題 中美洲咖啡 第一名
2021 CR主題 藝妓咖啡 第三名
2022 CR主題 傳統品種咖啡 第三名
2022 CR主題 單品濃縮咖啡 第二名
2023 CR主題 特殊發酵咖啡 第三名
2023 CR主題 新品種咖啡 第二名
2023 CR主題 女性莊園主 第二名
2023 CR主題 深烘焙咖啡 第二名
2023 CR主題 特殊發酵咖啡 第二名
2024 CR主題 即飲黑咖啡 第一名


To be Continue...

CR94 Colombia Finca El Paraiso Rose Tea // 2023 tasting report: Fresh Fruit or "Juicy Fruit"? Tasting 90 Anaerobic-Processed Coffees
CR94 Colombia Luz Helena Salazar Wine Yeast Grape Honey
CR94 Ethiopia Bench Maji Geisha Lucy Station
CR94 Ethiopia Bench Maji Geisha Lucy Station Dark Roast // 2023 tasting report: Dark Roast Coffee 2023: The Good, the Bad, the Subtle
CR94 Panama Finca Don Julian Geisha Washed // 2023 tasting report: Ten Coffees From Women Producers That Should Be On Your Radar
CR93 Uganda Sipi Falls Station Anaerobic Natural
CR94 Colombia El Roble Chiroso Washed // 2023 tasting report: New Coffee Varieties: Sidra, Chiroso, Pink Bourbon, Wush Wush
CR95 Panama Carmen Geisha Washed Light Roast
CR97 Kenya AA TOP Gicherori // 2023 TOP 6
CR98 Panama BOP-GW03 Princesa Carmen Geisha Washed // 2023 TOP 3

CR93 Ethiopia Guji Washed G1 Uncle Select Lot 21/01
CR95 Ethiopia Tamiru Tadesse Tesema Anaerobic Natural
CR93 Ethiopia Guji Hambela G1 Kudume Wolicho Honey
CR94 Peru Garden of Eden Farcent Geisha Anaerobic Washed // The 2023 Pacific Rim Coffee Summit Award
CR95 Panama Hacienda La Esmeralda Geisha Washed
CR95 Kenya Peaberry Top Hill Farm Espresso
CR94 Colombia Finca Jardines del Eden Ice Fermentation Natural // 2022 tasting report: Fruit Bombs Are the Point: Natural-Processed Espressos Defy Convention
CR93 Costa Rica San Gabriel Pina/Canela Anaerobic Honey Espresso
CR94 Costa Rica San Gabriel SL28 Anaerobic Natural
CR95 Panama La Mula Geisha Washed
CR95 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G1 Idido Natural
CR94 Ethiopia Guji Uraga More Floral Kudume Natural
CR95 Ethiopia Guji Uraga More Floral Kudume Washed
CR96 Ecuador COE 1st place Arashi Typica Mejorado Washed // 2022 TOP 8
CR92 El Salvador Finca Santa Elena El Corozo Pacamara // 2022 tasting report: Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America

CR93 Guatemala Sierra Roja Geisha
CR96 Indonesia Golden Sumatra TP Espresso // 2021 TOP 9
CR94 Ethiopia Guji Gerba Station G1 Natural Espresso
CR94 Kenya AA Top Gathambi Station
CR95 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G1 Mulugeta Tsige
CR94 Brazil Ipanema Golden Edition C26 Lychee // 2021 tasting report: Cold Black Coffee: Simplicity Rules the Post-Pandemic RTD Landscape
CR94 Costa Rica Hacienda Tobosi Villalobos Anaerobic Natural
CR93 GK Classic Manba Blend Espresso
CR96 Guatemala COE-NW#2 Sierra Roja Geisha Washed // 2021 tasting report: Tradition, Diversity & Measured Innovation Elevate Guatemala Coffees
CR94 Peru Yanesha Geisha Washed Anaerobic

CR93 Ethiopia Sidamo Bensa Asefa Dukamo Washed
CR94 Ethiopia Mulegeta Sintayehu Washed
CR95 Berg Wu Championship Selection Yirgacheffe G1 Natural Lot 19/01
CR94 Dadaocheng Garden Blend Espresso
CR95 Kenya Embu Gicherori Factory AA Top
CR94 Brazil Ipanema Black Edition A-41 Red Cherry // 2020 tasting report: RTD Rising: Single-Origin Cold Coffees Elevate the Game
CR94 El Salvador Santa Elena Pacamara // 2020 tasting report: The Fate of a Classic: Washed Central America Coffees
CR98 GW01 Finca Sophia Olympus Geisha // 2020 TOP1

CR93 Gesha Village Natural Lot #19 // 2019 tasting report: Geisha Coffees Continue to Shatter Sales Records — Are They Worth The Hype?

CR93 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G1 Chachale Natural
CR93 Kenya AA Top Gachatha
CR95 Poseidon Blend Espresso

CR93 Gesha Village Ethiopia Lot #18 Illubabor Washed // 2017 tasting report: Gesha Coffees 2017: Still Pricey, Still Amazing

CR94 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe YCFCU Idido